Ditch Google Analytics(GA) for Counter.def

Published: Jul 28, 2022 by Noe Nieto

Nowadays GA is becoming quite complex for me; it looks so complex that I couldn’t find a way to upgrade my blog to GA 4 and I got impatient, so I thought I could switch to something else.

I did some quick research and Counter was the most simple of all the alternatives.

This blog is powered by Jekill and hosted on GitHub Pages (GH). I could not find any gem for Counter, so I copied vendor/bundle/ruby/2.6.0/gems/bulma-clean-theme-0.13.1/_includes/google-analytics.html to _includes/google-analytics.html, then I proceeded to comment out the GA code and pasted the tracking code generated by Counter.

That did the trick. And the stats from this blog are now on https://counter.dev/dashboard.html?user=nnieto&token=gOSb%2FNj1wbMAfG9C

Google Analytics


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